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Direct Bank Transfer

(this is a demo site)

Bank Account Holder Name - This should be your name.
Your Bank Account Number - This is the number of your bank account.
Bank City - The City where your bank is located.
Bank Full Name - The full name of your bank.

Cheque Payment

(this is a demo site)

Send the check to the next Address:

51 Sherbrooke W., Montreal, QC. Canada, H5Z 4T9.

(Please mention in the check for which cause you donate).

Aspassocondaisy: pomeriggio al cinema

Il laboratorio prevede la scelta, condivisa con i partecipanti, di un film, in programmazione nelle sale cinematografiche. Tale attività viene organizzata una volta al mese. Un facilitatore, Ada Damiani, si occupa anche di accompagnare i gruppi.